
KTWR 12120kHz




Posted by ひろし at 14:17Comments(0)DRM放送





Software Version 1.13
Starttime (UTC) 2015-08-14 14:45:43
Frequency 15450 kHz
Latitude 0ー0'N
Longitude 0ー0'E

0000 11 132 508/10 0
0001 13 147 460/10 0
0002 12 144 379/10 0
0003 13 148 663/10 0
0004 14 129 867/10 0
0005 13 120 210/10 0
0006 9 49 96/10 0
0007 0 0 0/00 0
0008 0 0 0/00 0
0009 0 0 0/00 0
0010 0 0 0/00 0

SNR min: 0.6, max: 16.2
Posted by ひろし at 21:07Comments(0)DRM放送




今年3月末に行われたナイジェリア大統領選挙の結果を受け、5月29日はムハンマド・ブハリ新大統領(His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria)の就任式が行われており、その模様がライブ中継されている。演説あり、祝砲あり、なかなかにぎやかな就任式ライブ放送である。すでに5時間にわたりDRM放送が続いている。

Posted by ひろし at 19:38Comments(0)DRM放送


AIR DRM Test Transmission


15795kHzでは以前から音声2チャンネルのモノラル放送を行っている。メインはAM放送の17705、11855kHz(5月7日に11840kHzから変更された)とパラである。片方のチャンネルはTEST MUSICのラベル表示でインド音楽を流している。5月7日は特に強力でほぼ100%の復調である。SN日も20dBを優に超えている。


Posted by ひろし at 22:15Comments(0)DRM放送


AIR 15795kHz


Posted by ひろし at 20:01Comments(0)DRM放送


KTWR test 15300kHz



Posted by ひろし at 12:11Comments(0)DRM放送


KTWR 15300kHz

Posted by ひろし at 21:38Comments(0)DRM放送


VON on 15120kHz


4月3日は開始時は弱かったが、徐々に信号が上昇、1830頃から1930にかけて連続復調ができていた。この日15165kHzのSagalee Radio Risala-ti, Radio Risala Internationalも1830からよく聞こえていた。ジャミングは出ているが放送波の方が強く届いている。

Posted by ひろし at 14:03Comments(0)DRM放送


VOA Radiogram



Sending Pic:210x118C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:
Facebook Alternative 'Caliphatebook' Goes Offline
Joanna Paraszczuk
March 10, 2015
A site billed as the pro-Islamic State alternative to Facebook has been taken offline by its creators.
The 5elefabook website, whose name comes from the Arabic word for "caliphate," replaced its front page on March 9 with a message announcing a "temporary shutdown in order to protect the info and details of it's (sic) members and their safety."
The individuals or group behind 5elafabook also created a Twitter account, which was suspended on March 10. The site had created something of a buzz on Twitter, where some users referred to it as a "Salafi crowdsourced social site."
The website is listed as having been registered with the Arizona-based GoDaddy Internet domain registrar and ¿hUä¢o company. The contact person for the site is listed on GoDaddy as "Abu Musab" and the country in which he is based as Egypt.
However, somewhat confusingly the address given by "Abu Musab" is listed as "Islamic State Mosul."
LnW= d individual affiliated with the website told the Al-Arabiya news outlet that 5elefab etnot actually affiliated with the Islamic State group. However, those behind the site are loyal t ± h ¿oKIPÑlamic state, the individual said.
A message displayed on the site on March 10 also claimed that 5elafabook is "an independent site and is not sponsored by the Islamic state."
According to Al-Arabiya, unlike Facebook, whose members are actively encouraged to post pictures of themselves, members of "caliphatebook" were strictly forbidden from sharing their photographs, or from sharing personal information.
The site's log in page¼el I5xfalaced by a message explaining that 5elafabook's purpose "was to clarify to the whole world that we do not only carry guns and live in caves as they imagine."
While the site in6le yknžmbers "do not live to kill and spell (sic) blood as the media portrays us," 5elefabook does admit it has ambitions of global domination.
["We] will rule the whole world by Allah's permission...we love to die as much as you love to live and we promise to fight until the last one of us," the message explains.
Initially, the website's main page design featurotfûf the world with the Arabic text of the shahada (the Islamic creed) and the Seal of Muhammad -- both features of the Islamic State's black flag -- inscribed on each continent, suggesting a global takeover by the bliali! te group, or those affiliated with it.
While 5elefabook appears to be the first attempt to create a dedicated pro-Islamic State social network, there are several websites linked to the militant group. Russian-speaking Islamic State militants close to the group's military commander in Syria,
Umar Shishani, maintain a weniytget oi° that posts news and videos relating to the Islamic State group and to militant Islam in general. Records show that the FiSyria website is hosted by a company based in Istanbul.
The Islamic State group previously maintained an official Russian-language site, H-Center, which posted official Russian translations of Islamic State propaganda material and was apparently affiliated with the militant group's media wing, Al-Hayat. However, that site was taken offline late last year. Records show that the domain is currently registered to the name of Fatima Ummhamza who is based in Oleksandriya, Ukraine.


Image: Logo of RFE/RL's Under the Black Flag blog ...

Sending Pic:390x44C;

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

From Radio Free Asia:
North Koreans Turn to Smartphones to Evade Censorship Checks
Jieun Kim
RFA Korean Service
March 06, 2015

A new censorship policy under which authorities are tracking the
activities of cell phone users is prompting some North Koreans to
ditch their handsets and buy secondhand, touch-style smartphones
smuggled from China to access prohibited South Korean movies,
North Korean sources said.

North Korean authorities began the "1080 Sangmu" censorship
program in early February to find people who were using their
cell phones to store and acco¯outh Korean music and movies.

Downloading and watching foreign movies, especially ones produced
in South Korea, is a crime in North Korea, punishable by

"Now I can't use my cell phone outside without worrying that if I
take it out of my pocket, a 1080 Sangmu member might take it and
look into the contents it holds," said a source in North Hamgyong
province, the country's northernmost province which borders

Authorities are cracking down on cell phones with memory chips
that North Koreans refer to "Bbak," a proper noun which is a
rendering of the word "back." They are the chips on which music
and movies are stored and sometimes accessed overtly in broad
daylight, he said.

The source cited an example from June 2013, when some members of
Pyongyang's Unhasu Orchestra were dismissed from their positions
and punished along with some actors, because they had exchanged
adult videos from Japan using Bluetooth technology via their cell

"There are many people who have suffered at the hands of thieves
who access the contents of their cell phones [after stealing
them] and now with the 1080 Sangmu" which randomly inspects and
confiscates their phones, a source in northwestern North Korea's
Chagang province said.

Smartphones are an alternative

The crackdown has prompted some to cancel their cell phone
registrations and buy smartphones instead, sources said.

North Koreans, especially those who do business with the Chinese,
are buying smartphones in local markets for about U.S. $300, they

Authorities in North Korea have the right to recall cell phones
from users who cancel their registrations without paying the
owners for recalling their phones, the source in North Hamgyong
province said.

Touch-screen type smartphones are gaining popularity because they
allow users to freely store movies and music on their memory
chips and feature games, the source in Chagang province said,
although the phones are not used for calling services.

Smugglers have noticed the growing demand for smartphones and
been supplying used ones from China to North Koreans, he said.

"Now that the 1080 Sangmu has been organized to frequently
monitor and censor cell phone use, the number of people who use
the devices to make and receive calls will decrease," he said.

"But other functions of touch-type cell phones are gaining
popularity, which means the number of unregistered, illegal
smartphones will increase," the source said.

Translated by Yunju Kim. Written in English by Roseanne Gerin.


See ...
... for pictures of the upgraded North Korean officially approved
Arirang Android-based smartphone ...

Sending Pic:174x228C;

... start
[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn VOAR102.p2s]2.0.5
KD9XB 20151203180813
KD9XB 20151203180702

:tt:50 Decode VOA Radiogram on an Android Tablet or Phone
:to:2n+lRadiogram listeners
:fm:3 Kim
:dt:14 14-15 Mar 2015
:sb:8 AndFlmsg
:mg:156 If you have (or plan to buy) an Android advice, try the beta AndFlmsg app to decode VOA Radiogram.
Download AndFlmsg from ...
[WRAP:chksum DC34][WRAP:end]
... end

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
And visit voaradiogram.net.
Twitter: @VOARadiogram
Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave transmitting station in North Carolina.
I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.
This is VOA, the Voice of America.

Sending Pic:506x45C;

Posted by ひろし at 20:10Comments(0)Radiogram


KTWR 15300kHz


KTWR test broadcast on 15300 kHz, February 23rd
1446-1500 AM
1500-1515 DRM

Posted by ひろし at 10:51Comments(0)DRM放送